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Image Restoration & Inpainting Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Abs1DMappingAbstract 1D Mapping for images
AbsCImageFilterAbstract Complex Image Filter
AbsCImageFlowAbstract Real Image Flow
AbsCTriDiagonalLSAbstract Complex Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
AbsEikonalFastSweepingOpEikonal Fast Sweeping
AbsF4TriDiagonalLSAbstract SSE Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
AbsFEikonalFastSweepingOpEikonal Fast Sweeping
AbsFImageFilterAbstract Real Image Filter
AbsFLinearSolverAbstract Linear Solver
AbsFLineSearchAbstract Line Search
AbsFloatFxAbstract scalar simple function
AbsFloatFxnAbstract scalar function
AbsFNonLinearSolverAbstract NonLinear Solver
AbsFObjectiveFnAbstract Objective Function
AbsFRestorationLSAbstract General Float Restoration
AbsFTriDiagonalLSAbstract Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
AbsFvFxnAbstract vector function
AbsLimiterAbstract Limiter for differential operations
AbsParameterAbstract Parameter
AbsPentaDiagonalLSAbstract Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
AbsRImageFilterAbstract Real Image Filter
AbsRImageFlowAbstract Real Image Flow
AbsTriDiagIterativeLSAbstract Tri Diagonal Iterative Linear Solver
AbsTriDiagonalLSAbstract Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
AContrastFunctionAbstract ICA contrast function
ADisplayMappingOpAbstract Display Mapping
AFloatMatrixGeneral Abstract Matrix
AFProductSeqSMatrixAbstract Symmetric product of Matrices
AFSpatialDiscretisationAbstract Spatial Discretisation
AFSplittedRestorationLSAbstract Float Splitted 2D solvers
AFSymMatrixAbstract Symmetric Matrix
AFull2DRestorationLSAbstract Float UnSplitted 2D solvers
AlvarezMShockFlowAlvarez Morel shock flow
AMSmoothShockFlowSmooth Alvarez-Morel shock flow
AMultiClassObjectEvaluatorAbstract Multi-Class Object Evaluator
AnImageAbstract Image
AnImageAdaptorAn Image Adaptor
AnImageInterpolatorAn Image Adaptor
AnImageOpAbstract Image Filter
AnImageReaderImage Reader
AnImageWriterImage Writer
AnInpaintingOpGeneral Iterative Inpainting
AnisotropicFlowKimmel Mean Curvature Image Flow
AR3ChannelConverterAbstract Real 3 Channel Converter
ARColorImageFilterAbstract Real Color Image Filter
ARGBImageColor Image
ARLinearColorSpaceMappingAbstract linear color space Converter
ARMultiScaleImGeneratorFloating point image
ASeparateFeatureClassifierAbstract Separate Feature Classifier
ATikhonovPhillipsSolverTikhonov Phillips Linear Solver
AxiomaticMRInpaintingAxiomatic Morphological & Rotation Invariant Inpainting
BeltramiFilterBeltrami restoration filter
BeltramiFlowReal Beltrami Flow
BertalmioInpaintingBertalmio Inpainting
BFDiagonalMatrixBlock TriDiagonal Matrix
BFloatSMatrixBlock nxn Matrix
BFTriDiag3_1Block TriDiagonal Matrix
BFTriDiagonalMatrixBlock TriDiagonal Matrix
BI_CGBi Conjugate
BicubicImInterpolatorA Bicubic Image Interpolator
BicubicMagnifierOpBicubic Magnifier
BilinearImInterpolatorA Bilinear Image Interpolator
BilinearMagnifierOpBilinear Magnifier
BinImageSEBinary Image Structured Element
BiPartitionBayesClassifierObject/Background feature Bayes Classifier
BISTAB_CGBi Stable Conjugate Gradient
BMPFileBitmap I/O
BoolParameterBoolean Parameter
BSp1FloatSMatrixSpared Block Symmetric Matrix
ByteImageEight bit image
C3CImage3 band complex image
C3SepCImageFilterMultiband single complex operation filter
CAMSmoothShockFlowSmooth shock flow
CandidateHeapListCandidate Heap List
CAosPeronaOpComplex AOS Perona with strong edge detection
CDDInpaintingCurvature Diffusion Driven Inpainting
CentralLimiterCentral Limiter for differential operations
CGConjugate Gradient version 2
CG_NEConjugate Gradient on Normal Equations
CG_NRConjugate Gradient on Normal Equations
CGilboaLinearDiffOpComplex Linear Diffusion with small theta
CGilboaNonLinearDiffRmpOpComplex Perona Malik 1 with small theta
CGilboaPeronaMalik1OpComplex Perona Malik 1 with small theta
CGilboaPeronaMalik2OpComplex Perona Malik 1 with small theta
CGradientOpFloat Gradient
CGSSquared Conjugate Gradient
CImageFloating point image
CircleSECircular Structured Element
CoherenceEnhancementDiffCoherence Enhancement Diffusion restoration filter
CoherenceEnhancementDiff55Coherence Enhancement Diffusion restoration filter
ColorBeltramiFilterColor Beltrami restoration filter
ColorCoherenceEnhancement55Shapiro color restoration filter
ColorShapiroFilterShapiro color restoration filter
ColorShockFilterColor Shock Enhancement filter
CombinedDericheFilterCombined Deriche filter
ContrastFunctionFactoryICA Contrast Function Factory
CShockFilterGeneral shock filter
CSimpleAosOpAbstract Complex AOS flow
CSmoothShockFlowSmooth shock flow
CThomasHeatOpComplex Heat recursive flow
CThomasLSComplex LU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
CTriDiagonalMatrixComplex Tri Diagonal Matrix
CVectorComplex Vector
CVectorTComplex Vector Transposed
DataSampleEncapsulate data
DbuLineSEFour Connected Structured Element
DiffusivityDiffusivity enumeration
DistanceFastSweepingOpDistance Fast Sweeping
DistanceFMMDistance based Fast Marching Method
DistanceFMM1Distance based Fast Marching Method
DistanceFMM_O2Distance based Fast Marching Method
DomainOfActionDomain Of Action
DoubleMinmodGeneral purpose Limiter for differential operations
DTransportFMMPixel Transport based Fast Marching
DubLineSEFour Connected Structured Element
EightConnectedSEEight Connected Structured Element
EikonalFastSweepingOpDistance Fast Sweeping
EulerElasticaInpaintingEulerElastica Inpainting
F2DAdiHeatFlowOpFloat 2D Heat recursive flow
F2DAdiII_HeatFlowOpFloat 2D Heat recursive flow
F2DAmosHeatFlowOpFloat 2D Heat recursive flow
F2DAosHeatFlowOpFloat 2D Heat recursive flow
F2DCflAdiHeatFlowOpFloat 2D Heat recursive flow
F2DFastDprAdiHeatFlowOpFloat 2D Heat recursive flow
F2DFastDprCflAdiHeatFlowOpFloat 2D Heat recursive flow
F2DHeatFlow33Space2D HeatFlow 3x3 Spatial Discretisation
F2DHeatFlowOpFloat 2D Heat recursive flow
F2DHeatFlowSpace2D HeatFlow Spatial Discretisation
F2DImplicitRestorationLSCrank Nicolson Restoration
F2DIsoHeatFlowSpace2D Isotropic HeatFlow Space
F2DLodHeatFlowOpFloat 2D Heat recursive flow
F2DSeparateSymStencilSpace2D HeatFlow Spatial Discretisation
F2DSimplicitRestorationLSUnsplitted 2D SemiImplicit Solver
F2DSymAdiHeatFlowOpFloat 2D Symmetric ADI Heatflow
F3SepCImageFilterMultiband single operation filter
F4ThomasLSLU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
F4TriDiagonalMatrixTri Diagonal Matrix
F_2DSMatrixGenerator2D Matrix Generator
F_BB_LSBarzilai-Borwein Linear Solver
F_BB_NLSNonLinear Barzilai-Borwein
F_BiCgLSBiConjugate Gradient
F_BiCgLS_ShiftedLSBiConjugate Gradient for Shifted Systems
F_BiCgStab_2LSStabilised BiCGStab(2)
F_BiCgStabLSStabilised BiCGStab
F_CBB_LSCauchy-Barzilai-Borwein Linear Solver
F_CgiLSCG for indefinite Linear Solver
F_CgLSConjugate Gradient
F_CgLS1_LSCG for Linear Square problems
F_CgLS_ShiftedLSCG-LS for shifted systems
F_CgNeLSNormal Equation CG-NE
F_CgNrLSNormal Equation CG-NR
F_CgsLSCGS or transposed Free BiCG
F_ChebychevIterationChebytchev Iteration
F_CrLSCR for indefinite Linear Solver
F_DY_CgNonLSNonLinear Dai-Yuan Conjugate Gradient
F_FR_CgNonLSNonLinear Fletcher-Reeves Conjugate Gradient
F_GaussSeidelLSGauss Seidel Linear Solver
F_GcrLSGCR(m) krylov solver
F_GmresLSGMRES(m) krylov solver
F_GmresR_LSGMRESR(l,m) krylov solver
F_GmresRAlt_LSGmresRAlt(l,m) krylov solver
F_GmresStar_LSGMRES*(l,m) krylov solver
F_HS_CgNonLSNonLinear Hestenes-Stiefel Conjugate Gradient
F_HybridDY_CgNonLSNonLinear Dai-Yuan Conjugate Gradient
F_ICholeskyCgLSIncomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient
F_ILDLtCgLSLDLt Conjugate Gradient
F_ILU0Compact ILU0
F_IterativeLSIterative Linear Solver
F_IterativeNonLSIterative NonLinear Solver
F_IterativeShiftedLSShifted Linear Solver
F_JacobiLSJacobi Linear Solver
F_LL Triangular In
F_L1L Triangular In
F_L1BiDiagU BiDiagonal Matrix
F_LBiDiagL BiDiagonal Matrix
F_LimitedBFGS_NLSQuasi-Newton Limited BFGS
F_LULinearSolverLU Direct Tridiagonal Solver
F_MgcrLSMgcr(m) krylov solver
F_MinresLSMinres Linear Solver
F_MRII_LSMinimum Residual Krylov SubSpace M
F_MultiShiftCgLS_ShiftedLSShifted CG
F_PR_CgNonLSNonLinear Polack-Ribiere Conjugate Gradient
F_QmrCgStab2LSQmrCgStab2 Linear Solver
F_QmrCgStabLSQmrCgStab Linear Solver
F_RichardsonLSRichardson Linear Solver
F_SGS_BB_LSSGS Barzilai-Borwein Linear Solver
F_SGS_BiCgStab_2LSSGS BiCGStab(2)
F_SGS_CG_LSSGS Conjugate Gradient
F_SorLSSOR Linear Solver
F_SSOR_BB_LSSSOR Barzilai-Borwein Linear Solver
F_SSOR_CG_LSSSOR Conjugate Gradient
F_SteepestDescentLSSteepest Descent Linear Solver
F_SymmlqLSSymmlq Linear Solver
F_UU Triangular Sup
F_U1U1 Triangular Sup
F_U1BiDiagU1 BiDiagonal Matrix
F_UBiDiagU BiDiagonal Matrix
FAdiRestorationLSGeneral ADI with CFL support
FAfiRestorationLSAbstract Float simple AOS flow
FAmosRestorationLSAbstract Float simple Amos flow
FAosBarashOpFloat AOS TV filter
FAosPerona1OpFloat AOS Perona with strong edge detection
FAosPerona2OpFloat AOS Perona with strong edge detection
FAosPeronaOpFloat AOS Perona with strong edge detection
FAosRestorationLSGeneral AOS Restoration
FAosRofOpFloat AOS Rudin/Osher/Fatemi
FAosTvOpFloat AOS TV filter
FastIcaSphered general fast ICA Separator
FastRestorationFactoryFast Restoration Factory
FBacktrackingLineSearchBacktracking Line Search
FBandSMatrixBand Matrix
FBlurrOpFloat Laplacian
FClassicAnisotropicSpaceClassic Anisotropic Spatial Discretisation
FColSMatrixColumn Matrix
FComplexFloat complex number
FDennisSchnabelLineSearchDennisSchnabel Line Search
FDiagonalMatrixDiagonal Matrix
FDistanceAosBarashOpFloat AOS Barash with strong edge detection
FDistanceAosOpAbstract Float simple AOS flow
FDistanceAosPeronaOpFloat AOS Perona with strong edge detection
FDistanceFastSweepingOpDistance Fast Sweeping
FDistanceLodHeatFlowOpFloat Heat recursive flow
FDistRegularized1AosOpAbstract Float Regularized AOS flow
FFastRestorationFactoryFast Restoration Factory
FGradientNormFactoryFactory Gradient Norm
FGradientNormOpFloat Gradient Norm
FGradientOpFloat Gradient
FIdentityIdentity Matrix
FImageFloating point image
FL1BandSMatrixL1 Band Matrix
FLBandSMatrixL Band Matrix
FLinearSolverFactoryLinear Solver Factory
Float3CImage3 band real image
Float4VectorReal Vector
FloatSMatrixFull nxn Matrix
FloatVectorFloat Vector
FloatVectorListFloatVector List
FloatVectorQueueFloatVector Queue
FloatVectorStackFloatVector Stack
FloatVectorTFloat Vector Transposed
FLodRestorationLSGeneral LOD Restoration
FMaxBiasedSlopeOpFloat MaxBiasedSlope Gradient Norm
FMaxSlopeOpFloat MaxSlope Gradient Norm
FMinBiasedSlopeOpFloat MinBiasedSlope Gradient Norm
FMinmodSlopeOpFloat Gradient Norm
FMinSlopeOpFloat MinSlope Gradient Norm
FNewtonRaphsonLineSearchNewton-Raphson Line Search
FourConnectedSEFour Connected Structured Element
FPyramidalAosOpAbstract Float Pyramidal AOS flow
FRegularized1AosOpAbstract Float Regularized AOS flow
FRegularizedAosOpAbstract Float Regularized AOS flow
FRosenbrockFnRosenbrock Test Function
FRowSMatrixRow oriented Matrix
FSecantLineSearchNewton-Raphson Line Search
FSepPreconditionedSMatrixExplicit product of Matrices
FSepSGSExplicit Symmetric Gauss Seidel
FSepSSORExplicit Symmetric SOR
FSimpleAosOpAbstract Float simple AOS flow
FSimpleTVInpaintingSpace2D HeatFlow Spatial Discretisation
FThomasHeatOpFloat Heat recursive flow
FThomasLSLU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
FTriDiagonalMatrixTri Diagonal Matrix
FU1BandSMatrixU1 Band Matrix
FUBandSMatrixU Band Matrix
FVanVieltBlurringIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Blurring
FVanVieltGaborIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Gabor
FVanVieltGrad3IirOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
FVanVieltGradientIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
FVanVieltLaplacianIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
FVariationalRestorationSpace2D Variational Spatial Discretisation
G1ContrastG1 ICA contrast function for supergaussian
G2ContrastG2 ICA contrast for Hypergaussian
GammaOpGamma Filter
GeodesicBeltramiFilterGeodesic Beltrami restoration filter
GMeanCurvatureFlowGeodesic Mean Curvature Image Flow
GPeronaMalikFlowGeodesic R/O/F restoration filter
GreyImageSEBinary Image Structured Element
GShockFilterGeneral shock filter
HGivens Matrix
HarenoHarmonic mod purpose Limiter for differential operations
HarmodHarmonic mod purpose Limiter for differential operations
HighQuality2MagnifierHigh Quality double magnifier
HistoEqualisationTo8bitOpHistoEqualisation To 8bit Display Mapping
HJFastSweepingOpHJ Fast Sweeping
HLineSEFour Connected Structured Element
IIdentity Matrix
IAfiPeronaOpPerona recursive flow
IAosLysaker4thOpLysaker 4th order recursive flow
IAosPeronaCDDinpaintingPerona recursive flow
IAosPeronaOpPerona recursive flow
IAosPyramidOpFloat AOS TV filter
IAosRofOpPerona recursive flow
IAosTvOpFloat AOS TV filter
IBeltramiOpBeltrami restoration filter
IBilateralOpPerona recursive flow
IBrightnessOpErosion with a Strutured Element
IcaNetSingle Sphered ICA Separator
IcaNet1Single Non-sphered ICA Separator
IcaNet2_0Single Sphered ICA Separator
IcaNet2_1Two Unit Non-sphered ICA Separator
ICAosPeronaOpComplex Perona recursive flow
IClosingOpClosing with a Strutured Element
ICMultiImageOpMulti band complex image operation
ICoherenceEnhancementDiff55OpCoherence Enhancement Diffusion restoration filter
ICoherenceEnhancementDiffusionOpCoherence Enhancement Diffusion restoration filter
ICoherenceEnhBilateralOpPerona recursive flow
IColorShapiroOpShapiro color restoration filter
IColorShockOpColor Shock Enhancement filter
IColorToGreyTranfertOpImage Color Tranfert
ICombinedDericheOpCombined Deriche filter
ICShockOpShock filter
ICThomasHeatOpComplex Thomas LU Recursive 2d Heat flow
IDilatationOpDilatation with a Strutured Element
IDistanceAosPeronaOpPerona recursive flow
IDistanceLodHeatFlowOpThomas LU Recursive 2d Blur
IEikonalFastSweepingOpHJ Fast Sweeping
IErosionOpErosion with a Strutured Element
IF2DHeatFlowOpGeneral Thomas LU Recursive 2d Blur
IF2DRestorationOpInterface Fast Splitted Restoration
IFAosBarashOpFloat AOS Barash filter
IFAosPeronaOpPerona recursive flow
IFAosPyramidOpFloat AOS TV filter
IFAosRofOpPerona recursive flow
IFAosTvOpFloat AOS TV filter
IFClassicAnisotropicOpGeneral Anisotropic Restoration
IFDistanceAosBarashOpFloat Distance AOS Barash filter
IFDistanceAosPeronaOpPerona recursive flow
IFDistanceLodHeatFlowOpThomas LU Recursive 2d Blur
IFGeneral2DHeatFlowOpGeneric 2d Blur
IFMultiImageOpFloat Multi band image operation
IFSimpleTVInpaintingOpSimple General TV Impainting
IFThomasHeatOpThomas LU Recursive 2d Blur
IFVanVieltBlurringIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
IFVanVieltGaborIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Gabor
IFVanVieltGradientIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
IFVanVieltLaplacianIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
IFVariationalRestorationOpFast General Variational Restoration
IGeodesicBeltramiOpGeodesic Beltrami restoration filter
IGilbaoComplexDiffOpComplex Diffusions: linear and Perona
IHJFastSweepingOpHJ Fast Sweeping
IHomomorphicOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
ILargeClosingOpClosing with a Strutured Element
ILargeDilatationOpDilation with a Strutured Element
ILargeDynamicGistOpDynamic Threshold with a Strutured Element
ILargeDynamicLeeDetectorOpDynamic Lee Edge Detector
ILargeDynamicRangeOpDynamic Threshold with a Strutured Element
ILargeErosionOpErosion with a Strutured Element
ILargeLocalThresholdOpDynamic Threshold with a Strutured Element
ILargeMContrastOpContrast with a Strutured Element
ILargeMContrastStretchingOpContrast with a Strutured Element
ILargeMLaplacianOpDynamic Threshold with a Strutured Element
ILargeMorphologicalOpLarge operation with a Strutured Element
ILargeMSmoothOpDynamic Threshold with a Strutured Element
ILargeOpeningOpOpening with a Strutured Element
ILargeRampGistOpRamp Gist with a Strutured Element
ILargeRampLeeDetectorOpRamp Lee Edge Detector
ILargeRampRangeOpSmooth edge Range with a Strutured Element
ILargeRampThresholdOpRamp Threshold with a Strutured Element
ILargeTextureGistOpTexture Threshold with a Strutured Element
ILargeTextureLeeDetectorOpTexture LeeDetector with a Strutured Element
ILargeTextureRangeOpTexture Range with a Strutured Element
ILargeTextureThresholdOpTexture Threshold with a Strutured Element
ILargeTopHatOpTopHat with a Strutured Element
ILocalThresholdOpOpening with a Strutured Element
ILysakerNthOrderOpLysaker Nth Order TV restoration filter
ImageSampleImage Sample to describe image of object area samples
ImageSampleSetImage Sample Set to describe samples
ImageSetAn Image Set
IMarquinaTVOpMarquina TV restoration filter
IMContrastOpContrast with a Strutured Element
IMeanCurvatureOpMean Curvature Image Fikter
IMeanShiftOpMeanShift quantisation/segmentation
IMinMaxFlowOpMin/Max Flow restoration filter
IMNonLinearLaplaceEdgeOpNonLinear Laplace Edge Operator
IMorphologicalOpMorphological with a Strutured Element
IMultiImageOpDouble Multiband image operation
IMultiObjectPassFilterPixel Labelling Op
IMZeroCrossingOpMorphological Zero Crossing with noise
IndependentBayesClassifierMulti-Partition Independent Object feature Bayes Classifier
InpaintingFactoryInpainting Factory
IntegerImage32bit Image
IntelJpegInterfaceInterface intel jpeg
IntParameterInteger Parameter
IObjectPassFilterPixel Two Class Labelling
IOpeningOpOpening with a Strutured Element
IPerona1990OpClassic Perona restoration filter
IPeronaFabOpClassic Perona restoration filter
IPeronaMalikOpR/O/F restoration filter
IPeronaProximityFabOpClassic Perona restoration filter
IPixel2ClassLabellingOpPixel Two Class Labelling
IPixelFirstPcaOpFirst PCA on Covariance matrix of Rgb Pixels
IPixelLabellingOpPixel Labelling Op
IPixelLabelMappingOpPixel Labelling Op
IPixelPcaOpFirst PCA on Covariance matrix of Rgb Pixels
IRecursiveBlurOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
IRedBlackWvltOpReal Red Black Wavelet Transform
IRegularisedPeronaOpRegularized Perona restoration filter
IRudinOsherFatemiOpClassic TV restoration filter
ISelectiveDericheOpSelective Color Diffusion filter
ISelectiveShockOpSelective shock filter
IShadowOpErosion with a Strutured Element
ISharpenOpBeltrami restoration filter
IShockOpShock filter
IShockProximityOpShock filter
ISimpleClosingOpClosing with a Strutured Element
ISimpleColorTranfertOpImage Color Tranfert
ISimpleExtensionOpClosing with a Strutured Element
ISimpleMorphologicalOpMorphological op
ISimpleOpeningOpOpening with a Strutured Element
ISimpleShockOpSimple shock filter
IStrangPeronaOpPerona recursive flow
IThomasHeat4thOpThomas LU Recursive 2d Blur
IThomasHeatOpThomas LU Recursive 2d Blur
IThomasPeronaOpPerona recursive flow
ITopHatOpTopHat with a Strutured Element
ITVBeltramiOpTV Beltrami restoration filter
IVanVieltBlurringIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
IVanVieltGaborIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Gabor
IVariationalHsvRetinexOpHSV Retinex
IVariationalLabRetinexOpLab Retinex
IVariationalRetinexOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
IVariationalYiqRetinexOpYIQ Retinex
IWaveletDenoisingOpWavelet shrinkages
IWeickertOpWeickert 1998 restoration filter
IWindowFirstPcaOpWindow based PCA filter
IWindowPcaOpFirst PCA on Covariance matrix of Rgb Pixels
KimmelMeanCurvatureFlowKimmel Mean Curvature Image Flow
KPeronaMalikFilterR/O/F restoration filter
KPeronaMalikFlowR/O/F restoration filter
KurtosisContrastKurtosis ICA contrast function
LimiterFactoryFast Limiter Factory
ListParametersList of Parameters
Local_Ex2Local variance/Standard deviation
MapTo8bitOp8bit Display Mapping
MaskMappingOpPixel Labelling Op
MathUtMath utility module
MCandidateHeapListCandidate Heap List multi fronts
MDistanceFMMMulti front Distance based Fast Marching Method
MDomainOfActionDomain Of Action
MeanCurvatureFlowMean Curvature Image Flow
MImageSequenceOpSequence of Multi ImageOp Filters
MinenoGeneral purpose Limiter for differential operations
MinmodGeneral purpose Limiter for differential operations
MMultiClassObjectEvaluatorMulti-feature Multi-Class Object Evaluator
MNeigbourSetNeighbour pixels of a front
MonoGaussianClassifierAbstract Separate Feature Classifier
MonoKMeanAbstract Separate Feature Classifier
MPsi2DValuePsi in 2 dimensions of one front
MultiKMeanAbstract Separate Feature Classifier
MultiResolutionInpaintingMulti-Resolution Inpainting Filter
NeigbourSetNeighbour pixels
NNCoherenceEnhancementDiffNon Negative Coherence Enhancement Diffusion restoration filter
OliveiraInpaintingFast Oliveira Inpainting
OpenJpegInterfaceInterface the open jpeg consortium
OptMultiKMeanOptimal Multiple KMean
PathTrackingFMMDistance based Fast Marching Method
PentaThomasLSLU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
Perona1990FilterClassic Perona restoration filter
PeronaFabFilterForward/backward Perona restoration filter
PeronaProximityFabOpForward/backward Perona restoration filter
PgmPpmInterfacePGM/PPM/PNM image format
PotentialFactoryImagePotential Factory
PseudoTriCovarianceLSPseudo Covariance Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
Psi2DValuePsi in 2 dimensions
R3SepCImageFilterMultiband single operation filter
RAfiPeronaOpFloat Perona recursive flow
RAosCDDinpaintingFloat AOS Perona with strong edge detection
RAosLysaker4thOpFloat AOS Lysaker with strong edge detection
RAosPerona1OpFloat AOS Perona with strong edge detection
RAosPerona2OpFloat AOS Perona with strong edge detection
RAosPeronaCDDinpaintingFloat AOS Perona with strong edge detection
RAosPeronaFabOpFAB AOS Perona proto
RAosPeronaGnOpFAB AOS Perona proto
RAosPeronaOpFloat AOS Perona with strong edge detection
RAosRofOpFloat AOS Rudin/Osher/Fatemi
RAosTvOpFloat AOS TV filter
RAxiomaticMRInpainterAxiomatic Morphological & Rotation Invariant Inpainting
RBertalmioInpainterBertalmio Inpainting
RBlurringIIROpFloat Recursive 4d Blur
RBlurrOpFloat Laplacian
RCDDInpainterCurvature Diffusion Driven Inpainting
RColorBilateralOpColor Bilateral Filter
RColorCoherenceEnhBilateralOpColor Bilateral Filter
RColorRGBtoLabRGB color space to Lab Converter
RComplexDouble complex number
RDistanceAosOpAbstract Float simple AOS flow
RDistanceAosPeronaOpFloat AOS Perona with strong edge detection
RDistanceLodHeatFlowOpFloat Heat recursive flow
RdivergentROFRudin/Osher/Fatemi TV restoration (Gauss Jacobi iteration)
Real3CImage3 band real image
RealBlockSMatrixSymmetric Matrix
RealParameterReal Parameter
RealSMatrixSymmetric Matrix
RealVectorReal Vector
RealVectorTReal Vector Transposed
RectangleSERectangular Structured Element
RectObjectAreaObject area samples
RegularisedPeronaFilterRegularized Perona restoration filter
RestorationFactoryRestoration Factory
REulerElasticaInpainterEulerElastica Inpainting
RFAxiomaticMRInpainterAxiomatic Morphological & Rotation Invariant Inpainting
RgaussJacobiROFRudin/Osher/Fatemi TV restoration (Gauss Jacobi iteration)
RGB16ImageShort Color Image
RGB_CtoXYZ1931RGB to/from XYZ Converter
RGB_NTSCtoXYZOld CRT RGB to/from XYZ Converter
RGB_PcaOpPCA on Covariance matrix of Rgb Pixels
RGB_SMPTEtoXYZModern CRT RGB to/from XYZ Converter
RGBImageColor Image
RGBs16ImageShort Color Image
RGBs32ImageShort Color Image
RGBtoC1C2C3RGB to C1C2C3 Converter
RGBtoHSVRGB to HSV Converter
RGBtoL1L2L3RGB to L1L2L3 Converter
RGBtoLABRGB to Lab color space Converter
RGBtoLHSRGB to LHS Converter
RGBtoLUVRGB to Luv color space Converter
RGBtoYIQRGB to YIQ Converter
RGradient2_IIROpFloat Recursive 4d Blur
RGradient2OpFloat Gradient2
RGradientIIROpFloat Recursive 4d Blur
RGradientOpFloat Gradient
RGreyBilateralOpGrey Bilateral Filter
RGreyCoherenceEnhBilateralOpGrey Bilateral Filter
RHomomorphicOpFloat Retinex
RImageFloating point image
RIsotropicLaplacianOpIsotropic Laplacian
RLaplacianOpFloat Laplacian
RLinearLMStoLabRGB to/from LMS Converter
RLinearRGBtoLMSRGB to/from LMS Converter
RLinearRGBtoXYZitu601RGB to/from XYZ Converter
RLysaker2thOrderFilterLysaker 2th Order TV restoration filter
RLysaker4thOrderFilterLysaker 4th Order TV restoration filter
RLysaker6thOrderFilterLysaker 4th Order TV restoration filter
RMarquinaTVFilterMarquina TV restoration filter
RMeanCurvatureFilterMean Curvature Image Fikter
RMinMaxBinaryFlowMin/Max Flow restoration filter
RMinMaxGreyFlowMin/Max Flow restoration filter
RMultiScaleImageFloating point image
ROrthogonalConvOpOrthogonal Convolution
RPentaDiagonalMatrixTri Diagonal Matrix
RPolynomeDouble complex number
RPyramidalAosOpAbstract Float Pyramidal AOS flow
RRecursive2dBlurOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
RRecursive4dBlurOpFloat Recursive 4d Blur
RRecursive4dIIROpFloat Recursive 4d Blur
RRedBlackWvltOpRed Black Wavelet Transform
RRegularizedAosOpAbstract Float Regularized AOS flow
RSharpenOpFloat Sharpen
RSimpleAosOpAbstract Float simple AOS flow
RSimpleGaussianPyramidOpFloating point image
RSimplePentaAosOpAbstract Float simple Penta AOS flow
RSimpleRecursive2dBlurOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
RStrangPeronaOpFloat Perona recursive flow
RThomasHeat4thOpFloat Heat recursive flow
RThomasHeatOpFloat Heat recursive flow
RThomasPeronaOpFloat Perona recursive flow
RTriDiagonalMatrixTri Diagonal Matrix
RTVInpainterTV Inpainting
RTVInpainter_S2TV Inpainting
RVanVieltBlurringIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Blur
RVanVieltGaborIirOpFloat Recursive 2d Gabor
RVariationalRetinexOpFloat Retinex
RWaveletDenoisingOpWavelet Denoising via theshold Shrinkage
RWindowPcaOpPCA on Covariance matrix of Image Windows
SEFactoryStructuredElement Factory
SelectiveDericheFilterSelective Color Diffusion filter
SelectiveShockFilterSelective shock filter
SelectiveThomasLSLU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
SelectiveValueOpFind Values
SeparateGaussianClassifierGaussian Separate Feature Classifier
ShockFilterSimple shock filter
ShockFlowSimple shock flow
ShockProximityFlowSimple shock flow
ShortImage16bit Image
SimilarPixelFMMDistance based Fast Marching Method
Simple1DIndexListStack Simple 1D Index List
SimpleFastIcaSimple Sphered Fast ICA Separator
SimpleNewtonRaphsonAbstract vector function
SingleImage1DMapper1D Mapping for single images
SingleUnitFastIcaSphered Single general fast ICA Separator
SingleUnitFastIca1Sphered Single general fast ICA Separator
SmoothShockFlowSmooth shock flow
SMultiClassObjectEvaluatorSimple mono-feature Multi-Class Object Evaluator
SolverTimeSchemeSolverTimeScheme enumeration
Sp1FloatSMatrixSpared Symmetric Matrix
Sp2F_LL spared2 Matrix
Sp2F_L1L1 spared2 Matrix
Sp2F_UU spared2 Matrix
Sp2F_U1U1 spared Matrix
Sp2FloatSMatrixSpared2 Matrix
Sp3FloatSMatrixSpared3 Symmetric Matrix
StdTikhonovPhillipsSolverTikhonov Phillips Linear Solver
StretchTo8bitOpStretch To 8bit Display Mapping
StructuredElementAbstract Strutured Element
SuperbeeAccurate Limiter for differential operations
ThomasLSLU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver
TiffInterfaceInterface libtiff357
TruncatedCgSolverTruncated Cg Linear Solver
TVBeltramiFilterTV Beltrami restoration filter
TVBeltramiFlowKimmel TV Beltrami Flow
TVColorBeltramiFilterTV Color Beltrami restoration filter
TVFilterTV restoration filter
TVInpaintingTV Inpainting
TVInpainting_S2TV Inpainting
UnitStabilizedFastIcaSphered Single stabilized fast ICA Separator
UShortImage16bit Image
VarSuperbeeFlexible Limiter for differential operations
VLineSEFour Connected Structured Element
WeickertFilterWeickert 1998 restoration filter
ZadehOpZadehOp Logo
Restoreinpaint sourceforge project `C++/Java Image Processing, Restoration, Inpainting Project'.

Bernard De Cuyper: Open Project Leader: Concept, design and development.
Bernard De Cuyper & Eddy Fraiha 2002, 2003. Bernard De Cuyper 2004. Open and free, for friendly usage only.
Modifications on Belgium ground of this piece of artistic work, by governement institutions or companies, must be notified to Bernard De Cuyper.