Abs1DMapping | Abstract 1D Mapping for images |
AbsCImageFilter | Abstract Complex Image Filter |
AbsCImageFlow | Abstract Real Image Flow |
AbsCTriDiagonalLS | Abstract Complex Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
AbsEikonalFastSweepingOp | Eikonal Fast Sweeping |
AbsF4TriDiagonalLS | Abstract SSE Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
AbsFEikonalFastSweepingOp | Eikonal Fast Sweeping |
AbsFImageFilter | Abstract Real Image Filter |
AbsFLinearSolver | Abstract Linear Solver |
AbsFLineSearch | Abstract Line Search |
AbsFloatFx | Abstract scalar simple function |
AbsFloatFxn | Abstract scalar function |
AbsFNonLinearSolver | Abstract NonLinear Solver |
AbsFObjectiveFn | Abstract Objective Function |
AbsFRestorationLS | Abstract General Float Restoration |
AbsFTriDiagonalLS | Abstract Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
AbsFvFxn | Abstract vector function |
AbsLimiter | Abstract Limiter for differential operations |
AbsParameter | Abstract Parameter |
AbsPentaDiagonalLS | Abstract Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
AbsRImageFilter | Abstract Real Image Filter |
AbsRImageFlow | Abstract Real Image Flow |
AbsTriDiagIterativeLS | Abstract Tri Diagonal Iterative Linear Solver |
AbsTriDiagonalLS | Abstract Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
AContrastFunction | Abstract ICA contrast function |
ADisplayMappingOp | Abstract Display Mapping |
AFloatMatrix | General Abstract Matrix |
AFProductSeqSMatrix | Abstract Symmetric product of Matrices |
AFSpatialDiscretisation | Abstract Spatial Discretisation |
AFSplittedRestorationLS | Abstract Float Splitted 2D solvers |
AFSymMatrix | Abstract Symmetric Matrix |
AFull2DRestorationLS | Abstract Float UnSplitted 2D solvers |
AFuzzyOp | AFuzzyOp |
AlvarezMShockFlow | Alvarez Morel shock flow |
AMSmoothShockFlow | Smooth Alvarez-Morel shock flow |
AMultiClassObjectEvaluator | Abstract Multi-Class Object Evaluator |
AnImage | Abstract Image |
AnImageAdaptor | An Image Adaptor |
AnImageInterpolator | An Image Adaptor |
AnImageOp | Abstract Image Filter |
AnImageReader | Image Reader |
AnImageWriter | Image Writer |
AnInpaintingOp | General Iterative Inpainting |
AnisotropicFlow | Kimmel Mean Curvature Image Flow |
AR3ChannelConverter | Abstract Real 3 Channel Converter |
ARColorImageFilter | Abstract Real Color Image Filter |
ARGBImage | Color Image |
ARLinearColorSpaceMapping | Abstract linear color space Converter |
ARMultiScaleImGenerator | Floating point image |
ASeparateFeatureClassifier | Abstract Separate Feature Classifier |
ATikhonovPhillipsSolver | Tikhonov Phillips Linear Solver |
AxiomaticMRInpainting | Axiomatic Morphological & Rotation Invariant Inpainting |
BayesObjectPotential | BayesObjectPotential |
BeltramiFilter | Beltrami restoration filter |
BeltramiFlow | Real Beltrami Flow |
BertalmioInpainting | Bertalmio Inpainting |
BFDiagonalMatrix | Block TriDiagonal Matrix |
BFloatSMatrix | Block nxn Matrix |
BFTriDiag3_1 | Block TriDiagonal Matrix |
BFTriDiagonalMatrix | Block TriDiagonal Matrix |
BI_CG | Bi Conjugate |
BicubicImInterpolator | A Bicubic Image Interpolator |
BicubicMagnifierOp | Bicubic Magnifier |
BilinearImInterpolator | A Bilinear Image Interpolator |
BilinearMagnifierOp | Bilinear Magnifier |
BinImageSE | Binary Image Structured Element |
BiPartitionBayesClassifier | Object/Background feature Bayes Classifier |
BISTAB_CG | Bi Stable Conjugate Gradient |
BMPFile | Bitmap I/O |
BoolParameter | Boolean Parameter |
BSp1FloatSMatrix | Spared Block Symmetric Matrix |
ByteImage | Eight bit image |
C3CImage | 3 band complex image |
C3SepCImageFilter | Multiband single complex operation filter |
CAMSmoothShockFlow | Smooth shock flow |
CandidateHeapList | Candidate Heap List |
CAosPeronaOp | Complex AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
CDDInpainting | Curvature Diffusion Driven Inpainting |
CentralLimiter | Central Limiter for differential operations |
CentralPathPotential | CentralPathPotential |
CentralPotential | CentralPotential |
CG | Conjugate Gradient version 2 |
CG_NE | Conjugate Gradient on Normal Equations |
CG_NR | Conjugate Gradient on Normal Equations |
CGilboaLinearDiffOp | Complex Linear Diffusion with small theta |
CGilboaNonLinearDiffRmpOp | Complex Perona Malik 1 with small theta |
CGilboaPeronaMalik1Op | Complex Perona Malik 1 with small theta |
CGilboaPeronaMalik2Op | Complex Perona Malik 1 with small theta |
CGradientOp | Float Gradient |
CGS | Squared Conjugate Gradient |
CImage | Floating point image |
CircleSE | Circular Structured Element |
CoherenceEnhancementDiff | Coherence Enhancement Diffusion restoration filter |
CoherenceEnhancementDiff55 | Coherence Enhancement Diffusion restoration filter |
ColorBeltramiFilter | Color Beltrami restoration filter |
ColorCoherenceEnhancement55 | Shapiro color restoration filter |
ColorGradPotential | ColorGradPotential |
ColorPaletteEvaluator | ColorPaletteEvaluator |
ColorShapiroFilter | Shapiro color restoration filter |
ColorShockFilter | Color Shock Enhancement filter |
CombinedDericheFilter | Combined Deriche filter |
ContrastFunctionFactory | ICA Contrast Function Factory |
CShockFilter | General shock filter |
CSimpleAosOp | Abstract Complex AOS flow |
CSmoothShockFlow | Smooth shock flow |
CThomasHeatOp | Complex Heat recursive flow |
CThomasLS | Complex LU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
CTriDiagonalMatrix | Complex Tri Diagonal Matrix |
CVector | Complex Vector |
CVectorT | Complex Vector Transposed |
DataSample | Encapsulate data |
DbuLineSE | Four Connected Structured Element |
Differentials | Diff |
Diffusivity | Diffusivity enumeration |
DistanceFastSweepingOp | Distance Fast Sweeping |
DistanceFMM | Distance based Fast Marching Method |
DistanceFMM1 | Distance based Fast Marching Method |
DistanceFMM_O2 | Distance based Fast Marching Method |
DomainOfAction | Domain Of Action |
DoubleMinmod | General purpose Limiter for differential operations |
DTransportFMM | Pixel Transport based Fast Marching |
DubLineSE | Four Connected Structured Element |
DuboisPradeOp | DuboisPradeOp |
EightConnectedSE | Eight Connected Structured Element |
EikonalFastSweepingOp | Distance Fast Sweeping |
EulerElasticaInpainting | EulerElastica Inpainting |
F2DAdiHeatFlowOp | Float 2D Heat recursive flow |
F2DAdiII_HeatFlowOp | Float 2D Heat recursive flow |
F2DAmosHeatFlowOp | Float 2D Heat recursive flow |
F2DAosHeatFlowOp | Float 2D Heat recursive flow |
F2DCflAdiHeatFlowOp | Float 2D Heat recursive flow |
F2DFastDprAdiHeatFlowOp | Float 2D Heat recursive flow |
F2DFastDprCflAdiHeatFlowOp | Float 2D Heat recursive flow |
F2DHeatFlow33Space | 2D HeatFlow 3x3 Spatial Discretisation |
F2DHeatFlowOp | Float 2D Heat recursive flow |
F2DHeatFlowSpace | 2D HeatFlow Spatial Discretisation |
F2DImplicitRestorationLS | Crank Nicolson Restoration |
F2DIsoHeatFlowSpace | 2D Isotropic HeatFlow Space |
F2DLodHeatFlowOp | Float 2D Heat recursive flow |
F2DSeparateSymStencilSpace | 2D HeatFlow Spatial Discretisation |
F2DSimplicitRestorationLS | Unsplitted 2D SemiImplicit Solver |
F2DSymAdiHeatFlowOp | Float 2D Symmetric ADI Heatflow |
F3SepCImageFilter | Multiband single operation filter |
F4ThomasLS | LU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
F4TriDiagonalMatrix | Tri Diagonal Matrix |
F_2DSMatrixGenerator | 2D Matrix Generator |
F_BB_LS | Barzilai-Borwein Linear Solver |
F_BB_NLS | NonLinear Barzilai-Borwein |
F_BiCgLS | BiConjugate Gradient |
F_BiCgLS_ShiftedLS | BiConjugate Gradient for Shifted Systems |
F_BiCgStab_2LS | Stabilised BiCGStab(2) |
F_BiCgStabLS | Stabilised BiCGStab |
F_CBB_LS | Cauchy-Barzilai-Borwein Linear Solver |
F_CgiLS | CG for indefinite Linear Solver |
F_CgLS | Conjugate Gradient |
F_CgLS1_LS | CG for Linear Square problems |
F_CgLS_ShiftedLS | CG-LS for shifted systems |
F_CgNeLS | Normal Equation CG-NE |
F_CgNrLS | Normal Equation CG-NR |
F_CgsLS | CGS or transposed Free BiCG |
F_ChebychevIteration | Chebytchev Iteration |
F_CrLS | CR for indefinite Linear Solver |
F_DY_CgNonLS | NonLinear Dai-Yuan Conjugate Gradient |
F_FR_CgNonLS | NonLinear Fletcher-Reeves Conjugate Gradient |
F_GaussSeidelLS | Gauss Seidel Linear Solver |
F_GcrLS | GCR(m) krylov solver |
F_GmresLS | GMRES(m) krylov solver |
F_GmresR_LS | GMRESR(l,m) krylov solver |
F_GmresRAlt_LS | GmresRAlt(l,m) krylov solver |
F_GmresStar_LS | GMRES*(l,m) krylov solver |
F_HS_CgNonLS | NonLinear Hestenes-Stiefel Conjugate Gradient |
F_HybridDY_CgNonLS | NonLinear Dai-Yuan Conjugate Gradient |
F_ICholeskyCgLS | Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient |
F_ILDLtCgLS | LDLt Conjugate Gradient |
F_ILU0 | Compact ILU0 |
F_ILU0_BiCgStab_LS | ILU0 BiCGStab |
F_IterativeLS | Iterative Linear Solver |
F_IterativeNonLS | Iterative NonLinear Solver |
F_IterativeShiftedLS | Shifted Linear Solver |
F_JacobiLS | Jacobi Linear Solver |
F_L | L Triangular In |
F_L1 | L Triangular In |
F_L1BiDiag | U BiDiagonal Matrix |
F_LBiDiag | L BiDiagonal Matrix |
F_LimitedBFGS_NLS | Quasi-Newton Limited BFGS |
F_LULinearSolver | LU Direct Tridiagonal Solver |
F_MgcrLS | Mgcr(m) krylov solver |
F_MinresLS | Minres Linear Solver |
F_MRII_LS | Minimum Residual Krylov SubSpace M |
F_MultiShiftCgLS_ShiftedLS | Shifted CG |
F_PR_CgNonLS | NonLinear Polack-Ribiere Conjugate Gradient |
F_QmrCgStab2LS | QmrCgStab2 Linear Solver |
F_QmrCgStabLS | QmrCgStab Linear Solver |
F_RichardsonLS | Richardson Linear Solver |
F_SGS_BB_LS | SGS Barzilai-Borwein Linear Solver |
F_SGS_BiCgStab_2LS | SGS BiCGStab(2) |
F_SGS_BiCgStab_LS | SGS BiCGStab |
F_SGS_CG_LS | SGS Conjugate Gradient |
F_SorLS | SOR Linear Solver |
F_SSOR_BB_LS | SSOR Barzilai-Borwein Linear Solver |
F_SSOR_BiCgStab_2LS | SSOR BiCGStab(2) |
F_SSOR_BiCgStab_LS | SSOR BiCGStab |
F_SSOR_CG_LS | SSOR Conjugate Gradient |
F_SteepestDescentLS | Steepest Descent Linear Solver |
F_SymmlqLS | Symmlq Linear Solver |
F_U | U Triangular Sup |
F_U1 | U1 Triangular Sup |
F_U1BiDiag | U1 BiDiagonal Matrix |
F_UBiDiag | U BiDiagonal Matrix |
FAdiRestorationLS | General ADI with CFL support |
FAfiRestorationLS | Abstract Float simple AOS flow |
FAmosRestorationLS | Abstract Float simple Amos flow |
FAosBarashOp | Float AOS TV filter |
FAosPerona1Op | Float AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
FAosPerona2Op | Float AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
FAosPeronaOp | Float AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
FAosRestorationLS | General AOS Restoration |
FAosRofOp | Float AOS Rudin/Osher/Fatemi |
FAosTvOp | Float AOS TV filter |
FastIca | Sphered general fast ICA Separator |
FastRestorationFactory | Fast Restoration Factory |
FBacktrackingLineSearch | Backtracking Line Search |
FBandSMatrix | Band Matrix |
FBlurrOp | Float Laplacian |
FClassicAnisotropicSpace | Classic Anisotropic Spatial Discretisation |
FColSMatrix | Column Matrix |
FComplex | Float complex number |
FDennisSchnabelLineSearch | DennisSchnabel Line Search |
FDiagonalMatrix | Diagonal Matrix |
FDistanceAosBarashOp | Float AOS Barash with strong edge detection |
FDistanceAosOp | Abstract Float simple AOS flow |
FDistanceAosPeronaOp | Float AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
FDistanceFastSweepingOp | Distance Fast Sweeping |
FDistanceLodHeatFlowOp | Float Heat recursive flow |
FDistRegularized1AosOp | Abstract Float Regularized AOS flow |
FFastRestorationFactory | Fast Restoration Factory |
FGradientNormFactory | Factory Gradient Norm |
FGradientNormOp | Float Gradient Norm |
FGradientOp | Float Gradient |
FIdentity | Identity Matrix |
FImage | Floating point image |
FL1BandSMatrix | L1 Band Matrix |
FLBandSMatrix | L Band Matrix |
FLinearSolverFactory | Linear Solver Factory |
Float3CImage | 3 band real image |
Float4Vector | Real Vector |
FloatSMatrix | Full nxn Matrix |
FloatVector | Float Vector |
FloatVectorList | FloatVector List |
FloatVectorQueue | FloatVector Queue |
FloatVectorStack | FloatVector Stack |
FloatVectorT | Float Vector Transposed |
FLodRestorationLS | General LOD Restoration |
FMaxBiasedSlopeOp | Float MaxBiasedSlope Gradient Norm |
FMaxSlopeOp | Float MaxSlope Gradient Norm |
FMinBiasedSlopeOp | Float MinBiasedSlope Gradient Norm |
FMinmodSlopeOp | Float Gradient Norm |
FMinSlopeOp | Float MinSlope Gradient Norm |
FNewtonRaphsonLineSearch | Newton-Raphson Line Search |
FourConnectedSE | Four Connected Structured Element |
FPyramidalAosOp | Abstract Float Pyramidal AOS flow |
FRegularized1AosOp | Abstract Float Regularized AOS flow |
FRegularizedAosOp | Abstract Float Regularized AOS flow |
FRosenbrockFn | Rosenbrock Test Function |
FRowSMatrix | Row oriented Matrix |
FSecantLineSearch | Newton-Raphson Line Search |
FSepPreconditionedSMatrix | Explicit product of Matrices |
FSepSGS | Explicit Symmetric Gauss Seidel |
FSepSSOR | Explicit Symmetric SOR |
FSimpleAosOp | Abstract Float simple AOS flow |
FSimpleTVInpaintingSpace | 2D HeatFlow Spatial Discretisation |
FThomasHeatOp | Float Heat recursive flow |
FThomasLS | LU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
FTriDiagonalMatrix | Tri Diagonal Matrix |
FU1BandSMatrix | U1 Band Matrix |
FUBandSMatrix | U Band Matrix |
FuzzySet | FuzzySet |
FVanVieltBlurringIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Blurring |
FVanVieltGaborIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Gabor |
FVanVieltGrad3IirOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
FVanVieltGradientIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
FVanVieltLaplacianIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
FVariationalRestorationSpace | 2D Variational Spatial Discretisation |
G1Contrast | G1 ICA contrast function for supergaussian |
G2Contrast | G2 ICA contrast for Hypergaussian |
GammaOp | Gamma Filter |
GeodesicBeltramiFilter | Geodesic Beltrami restoration filter |
GMeanCurvatureFlow | Geodesic Mean Curvature Image Flow |
GPeronaMalikFlow | Geodesic R/O/F restoration filter |
GreyImageSE | Binary Image Structured Element |
GShockFilter | General shock filter |
H | Givens Matrix |
Hareno | Harmonic mod purpose Limiter for differential operations |
Harmod | Harmonic mod purpose Limiter for differential operations |
HighQuality2Magnifier | High Quality double magnifier |
HistoEqualisationTo8bitOp | HistoEqualisation To 8bit Display Mapping |
HJFastSweepingOp | HJ Fast Sweeping |
HLineSE | Four Connected Structured Element |
I | Identity Matrix |
IAfiPeronaOp | Perona recursive flow |
IAosLysaker4thOp | Lysaker 4th order recursive flow |
IAosPeronaCDDinpainting | Perona recursive flow |
IAosPeronaOp | Perona recursive flow |
IAosPyramidOp | Float AOS TV filter |
IAosRofOp | Perona recursive flow |
IAosTvOp | Float AOS TV filter |
IBeltramiOp | Beltrami restoration filter |
IBilateralOp | Perona recursive flow |
IBrightnessOp | Erosion with a Strutured Element |
IcaNet | Single Sphered ICA Separator |
IcaNet1 | Single Non-sphered ICA Separator |
IcaNet2_0 | Single Sphered ICA Separator |
IcaNet2_1 | Two Unit Non-sphered ICA Separator |
ICAosPeronaOp | Complex Perona recursive flow |
IClosingOp | Closing with a Strutured Element |
ICMultiImageOp | Multi band complex image operation |
ICoherenceEnhancementDiff55Op | Coherence Enhancement Diffusion restoration filter |
ICoherenceEnhancementDiffusionOp | Coherence Enhancement Diffusion restoration filter |
ICoherenceEnhBilateralOp | Perona recursive flow |
IColorShapiroOp | Shapiro color restoration filter |
IColorShockOp | Color Shock Enhancement filter |
IColorToGreyTranfertOp | Image Color Tranfert |
ICombinedDericheOp | Combined Deriche filter |
ICShockOp | Shock filter |
ICThomasHeatOp | Complex Thomas LU Recursive 2d Heat flow |
IDilatationOp | Dilatation with a Strutured Element |
IDistanceAosPeronaOp | Perona recursive flow |
IDistanceLodHeatFlowOp | Thomas LU Recursive 2d Blur |
IEikonalFastSweepingOp | HJ Fast Sweeping |
IErosionOp | Erosion with a Strutured Element |
IF2DHeatFlowOp | General Thomas LU Recursive 2d Blur |
IF2DRestorationOp | Interface Fast Splitted Restoration |
IFAosBarashOp | Float AOS Barash filter |
IFAosPeronaOp | Perona recursive flow |
IFAosPyramidOp | Float AOS TV filter |
IFAosRofOp | Perona recursive flow |
IFAosTvOp | Float AOS TV filter |
IFClassicAnisotropicOp | General Anisotropic Restoration |
IFDistanceAosBarashOp | Float Distance AOS Barash filter |
IFDistanceAosPeronaOp | Perona recursive flow |
IFDistanceLodHeatFlowOp | Thomas LU Recursive 2d Blur |
IFGeneral2DHeatFlowOp | Generic 2d Blur |
IFMultiImageOp | Float Multi band image operation |
IFSimpleTVInpaintingOp | Simple General TV Impainting |
IFThomasHeatOp | Thomas LU Recursive 2d Blur |
IFVanVieltBlurringIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
IFVanVieltGaborIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Gabor |
IFVanVieltGradientIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
IFVanVieltLaplacianIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
IFVariationalRestorationOp | Fast General Variational Restoration |
IGeodesicBeltramiOp | Geodesic Beltrami restoration filter |
IGilbaoComplexDiffOp | Complex Diffusions: linear and Perona |
IHJFastSweepingOp | HJ Fast Sweeping |
IHomomorphicOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
ILargeClosingOp | Closing with a Strutured Element |
ILargeDilatationOp | Dilation with a Strutured Element |
ILargeDynamicGistOp | Dynamic Threshold with a Strutured Element |
ILargeDynamicLeeDetectorOp | Dynamic Lee Edge Detector |
ILargeDynamicRangeOp | Dynamic Threshold with a Strutured Element |
ILargeErosionOp | Erosion with a Strutured Element |
ILargeLocalThresholdOp | Dynamic Threshold with a Strutured Element |
ILargeMContrastOp | Contrast with a Strutured Element |
ILargeMContrastStretchingOp | Contrast with a Strutured Element |
ILargeMLaplacianOp | Dynamic Threshold with a Strutured Element |
ILargeMorphologicalOp | Large operation with a Strutured Element |
ILargeMSmoothOp | Dynamic Threshold with a Strutured Element |
ILargeOpeningOp | Opening with a Strutured Element |
ILargeRampGistOp | Ramp Gist with a Strutured Element |
ILargeRampLeeDetectorOp | Ramp Lee Edge Detector |
ILargeRampRangeOp | Smooth edge Range with a Strutured Element |
ILargeRampThresholdOp | Ramp Threshold with a Strutured Element |
ILargeTextureGistOp | Texture Threshold with a Strutured Element |
ILargeTextureLeeDetectorOp | Texture LeeDetector with a Strutured Element |
ILargeTextureRangeOp | Texture Range with a Strutured Element |
ILargeTextureThresholdOp | Texture Threshold with a Strutured Element |
ILargeTopHatOp | TopHat with a Strutured Element |
ILocalThresholdOp | Opening with a Strutured Element |
ILysakerNthOrderOp | Lysaker Nth Order TV restoration filter |
ImagePotential | ImagePotential |
ImageSample | Image Sample to describe image of object area samples |
ImageSampleSet | Image Sample Set to describe samples |
ImageSet | An Image Set |
IMarquinaTVOp | Marquina TV restoration filter |
IMContrastOp | Contrast with a Strutured Element |
IMeanCurvatureOp | Mean Curvature Image Fikter |
IMeanShiftOp | MeanShift quantisation/segmentation |
IMinMaxFlowOp | Min/Max Flow restoration filter |
IMNonLinearLaplaceEdgeOp | NonLinear Laplace Edge Operator |
IMorphologicalOp | Morphological with a Strutured Element |
IMultiImageOp | Double Multiband image operation |
IMultiObjectPassFilter | Pixel Labelling Op |
IMZeroCrossingOp | Morphological Zero Crossing with noise |
IndependentBayesClassifier | Multi-Partition Independent Object feature Bayes Classifier |
InpaintingFactory | Inpainting Factory |
IntegerImage | 32bit Image |
IntelJpegInterface | Interface intel jpeg |
IntParameter | Integer Parameter |
IObjectPassFilter | Pixel Two Class Labelling |
IOpeningOp | Opening with a Strutured Element |
IPerona1990Op | Classic Perona restoration filter |
IPeronaFabOp | Classic Perona restoration filter |
IPeronaMalikOp | R/O/F restoration filter |
IPeronaProximityFabOp | Classic Perona restoration filter |
IPixel2ClassLabellingOp | Pixel Two Class Labelling |
IPixelFirstPcaOp | First PCA on Covariance matrix of Rgb Pixels |
IPixelLabellingOp | Pixel Labelling Op |
IPixelLabelMappingOp | Pixel Labelling Op |
IPixelPcaOp | First PCA on Covariance matrix of Rgb Pixels |
IRecursiveBlurOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
IRedBlackWvltOp | Real Red Black Wavelet Transform |
IRegularisedPeronaOp | Regularized Perona restoration filter |
IRudinOsherFatemiOp | Classic TV restoration filter |
ISelectiveDericheOp | Selective Color Diffusion filter |
ISelectiveShockOp | Selective shock filter |
IShadowOp | Erosion with a Strutured Element |
ISharpenOp | Beltrami restoration filter |
IShockOp | Shock filter |
IShockProximityOp | Shock filter |
ISimpleClosingOp | Closing with a Strutured Element |
ISimpleColorTranfertOp | Image Color Tranfert |
ISimpleExtensionOp | Closing with a Strutured Element |
ISimpleMorphologicalOp | Morphological op |
ISimpleOpeningOp | Opening with a Strutured Element |
ISimpleShockOp | Simple shock filter |
IStrangPeronaOp | Perona recursive flow |
IThomasHeat4thOp | Thomas LU Recursive 2d Blur |
IThomasHeatOp | Thomas LU Recursive 2d Blur |
IThomasPeronaOp | Perona recursive flow |
ITopHatOp | TopHat with a Strutured Element |
ITVBeltramiOp | TV Beltrami restoration filter |
IVanVieltBlurringIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
IVanVieltGaborIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Gabor |
IVariationalHsvRetinexOp | HSV Retinex |
IVariationalLabRetinexOp | Lab Retinex |
IVariationalRetinexOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
IVariationalYiqRetinexOp | YIQ Retinex |
IWaveletDenoisingOp | Wavelet shrinkages |
IWeickertOp | Weickert 1998 restoration filter |
IWindowFirstPcaOp | Window based PCA filter |
IWindowPcaOp | First PCA on Covariance matrix of Rgb Pixels |
KimmelMeanCurvatureFlow | Kimmel Mean Curvature Image Flow |
KPeronaMalikFilter | R/O/F restoration filter |
KPeronaMalikFlow | R/O/F restoration filter |
KurtosisContrast | Kurtosis ICA contrast function |
LimiterFactory | Fast Limiter Factory |
ListParameters | List of Parameters |
Local_Ex2 | Local variance/Standard deviation |
LuminanceGradPotential | LuminanceGradPotential |
MapTo8bitOp | 8bit Display Mapping |
MaskMappingOp | Pixel Labelling Op |
MathUt | Math utility module |
MCandidateHeapList | Candidate Heap List multi fronts |
MDistanceFMM | Multi front Distance based Fast Marching Method |
MDomainOfAction | Domain Of Action |
MeanCurvatureFlow | Mean Curvature Image Flow |
MImageSequenceOp | Sequence of Multi ImageOp Filters |
Mineno | General purpose Limiter for differential operations |
Minmod | General purpose Limiter for differential operations |
MMultiClassObjectEvaluator | Multi-feature Multi-Class Object Evaluator |
MNeigbourSet | Neighbour pixels of a front |
MonoGaussianClassifier | Abstract Separate Feature Classifier |
MonoKMean | Abstract Separate Feature Classifier |
MPsi2DValue | Psi in 2 dimensions of one front |
MultiKMean | Abstract Separate Feature Classifier |
MultiResolutionInpainting | Multi-Resolution Inpainting Filter |
NeigbourSet | Neighbour pixels |
NNCoherenceEnhancementDiff | Non Negative Coherence Enhancement Diffusion restoration filter |
OliveiraInpainting | Fast Oliveira Inpainting |
OpenJpegInterface | Interface the open jpeg consortium |
OptMultiKMean | Optimal Multiple KMean |
PathTrackingFMM | Distance based Fast Marching Method |
PentaThomasLS | LU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
Perona1990Filter | Classic Perona restoration filter |
PeronaFabFilter | Forward/backward Perona restoration filter |
PeronaProximityFabOp | Forward/backward Perona restoration filter |
PgmPpmInterface | PGM/PPM/PNM image format |
PotentialFactory | ImagePotential Factory |
PseudoTriCovarianceLS | Pseudo Covariance Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
Psi2DValue | Psi in 2 dimensions |
R3SepCImageFilter | Multiband single operation filter |
RAfiPeronaOp | Float Perona recursive flow |
RAosCDDinpainting | Float AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
RAosLysaker4thOp | Float AOS Lysaker with strong edge detection |
RAosPerona1Op | Float AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
RAosPerona2Op | Float AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
RAosPeronaCDDinpainting | Float AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
RAosPeronaFabOp | FAB AOS Perona proto |
RAosPeronaGnOp | FAB AOS Perona proto |
RAosPeronaOp | Float AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
RAosRofOp | Float AOS Rudin/Osher/Fatemi |
RAosTvOp | Float AOS TV filter |
RAxiomaticMRInpainter | Axiomatic Morphological & Rotation Invariant Inpainting |
RBertalmioInpainter | Bertalmio Inpainting |
RBlurringIIROp | Float Recursive 4d Blur |
RBlurrOp | Float Laplacian |
RCDDInpainter | Curvature Diffusion Driven Inpainting |
RColorBilateralOp | Color Bilateral Filter |
RColorCoherenceEnhBilateralOp | Color Bilateral Filter |
RColorRGBtoLab | RGB color space to Lab Converter |
RComplex | Double complex number |
RDistanceAosOp | Abstract Float simple AOS flow |
RDistanceAosPeronaOp | Float AOS Perona with strong edge detection |
RDistanceLodHeatFlowOp | Float Heat recursive flow |
RdivergentROF | Rudin/Osher/Fatemi TV restoration (Gauss Jacobi iteration) |
Real3CImage | 3 band real image |
RealBlockSMatrix | Symmetric Matrix |
RealParameter | Real Parameter |
RealSMatrix | Symmetric Matrix |
RealVector | Real Vector |
RealVectorT | Real Vector Transposed |
RectangleSE | Rectangular Structured Element |
RectObjectArea | Object area samples |
RegularisedPeronaFilter | Regularized Perona restoration filter |
RestorationFactory | Restoration Factory |
REulerElasticaInpainter | EulerElastica Inpainting |
RFAxiomaticMRInpainter | Axiomatic Morphological & Rotation Invariant Inpainting |
RgaussJacobiROF | Rudin/Osher/Fatemi TV restoration (Gauss Jacobi iteration) |
RGB16Image | Short Color Image |
RGB_CtoXYZ1931 | RGB to/from XYZ Converter |
RGB_NTSCtoXYZ | Old CRT RGB to/from XYZ Converter |
RGB_PcaOp | PCA on Covariance matrix of Rgb Pixels |
RGB_SMPTEtoXYZ | Modern CRT RGB to/from XYZ Converter |
RGBImage | Color Image |
RGBs16Image | Short Color Image |
RGBs32Image | Short Color Image |
RGBtoC1C2C3 | RGB to C1C2C3 Converter |
RGBtoHSV | RGB to HSV Converter |
RGBtoL1L2L3 | RGB to L1L2L3 Converter |
RGBtoLAB | RGB to Lab color space Converter |
RGBtoLHS | RGB to LHS Converter |
RGBtoLUV | RGB to Luv color space Converter |
RGBtoYIQ | RGB to YIQ Converter |
RGradient2_IIROp | Float Recursive 4d Blur |
RGradient2Op | Float Gradient2 |
RGradientIIROp | Float Recursive 4d Blur |
RGradientOp | Float Gradient |
RGreyBilateralOp | Grey Bilateral Filter |
RGreyCoherenceEnhBilateralOp | Grey Bilateral Filter |
RHomomorphicOp | Float Retinex |
RImage | Floating point image |
RImagePotential | RImagePotential |
RIsotropicLaplacianOp | Isotropic Laplacian |
RLaplacianOp | Float Laplacian |
RLinearLMStoLab | RGB to/from LMS Converter |
RLinearRGBtoLMS | RGB to/from LMS Converter |
RLinearRGBtoXYZitu601 | RGB to/from XYZ Converter |
RLysaker2thOrderFilter | Lysaker 2th Order TV restoration filter |
RLysaker4thOrderFilter | Lysaker 4th Order TV restoration filter |
RLysaker6thOrderFilter | Lysaker 4th Order TV restoration filter |
RMarquinaTVFilter | Marquina TV restoration filter |
RMeanCurvatureFilter | Mean Curvature Image Fikter |
RMinMaxBinaryFlow | Min/Max Flow restoration filter |
RMinMaxGreyFlow | Min/Max Flow restoration filter |
RMultiScaleImage | Floating point image |
ROrthogonalConvOp | Orthogonal Convolution |
RPentaDiagonalMatrix | Tri Diagonal Matrix |
RPolynome | Double complex number |
RPyramidalAosOp | Abstract Float Pyramidal AOS flow |
RRecursive2dBlurOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
RRecursive4dBlurOp | Float Recursive 4d Blur |
RRecursive4dIIROp | Float Recursive 4d Blur |
RRedBlackWvltOp | Red Black Wavelet Transform |
RRegularizedAosOp | Abstract Float Regularized AOS flow |
RSharpenOp | Float Sharpen |
RSimpleAosOp | Abstract Float simple AOS flow |
RSimpleGaussianPyramidOp | Floating point image |
RSimplePentaAosOp | Abstract Float simple Penta AOS flow |
RSimpleRecursive2dBlurOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
RStrangPeronaOp | Float Perona recursive flow |
RThomasHeat4thOp | Float Heat recursive flow |
RThomasHeatOp | Float Heat recursive flow |
RThomasPeronaOp | Float Perona recursive flow |
RTriDiagonalMatrix | Tri Diagonal Matrix |
RTVInpainter | TV Inpainting |
RTVInpainter_S2 | TV Inpainting |
RVanVieltBlurringIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Blur |
RVanVieltGaborIirOp | Float Recursive 2d Gabor |
RVariationalRetinexOp | Float Retinex |
RWaveletDenoisingOp | Wavelet Denoising via theshold Shrinkage |
RWindowPcaOp | PCA on Covariance matrix of Image Windows |
SEFactory | StructuredElement Factory |
SelectiveDericheFilter | Selective Color Diffusion filter |
SelectiveShockFilter | Selective shock filter |
SelectiveThomasLS | LU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
SelectiveValueOp | Find Values |
SeparateGaussianClassifier | Gaussian Separate Feature Classifier |
ShockFilter | Simple shock filter |
ShockFlow | Simple shock flow |
ShockProximityFlow | Simple shock flow |
ShortImage | 16bit Image |
SimilarPixelFMM | Distance based Fast Marching Method |
Simple1DIndexList | Stack Simple 1D Index List |
SimpleFastIca | Simple Sphered Fast ICA Separator |
SimpleNewtonRaphson | Abstract vector function |
SingleImage1DMapper | 1D Mapping for single images |
SingleUnitFastIca | Sphered Single general fast ICA Separator |
SingleUnitFastIca1 | Sphered Single general fast ICA Separator |
SmoothShockFlow | Smooth shock flow |
SMultiClassObjectEvaluator | Simple mono-feature Multi-Class Object Evaluator |
SolverTimeScheme | SolverTimeScheme enumeration |
Sp1FloatSMatrix | Spared Symmetric Matrix |
Sp2F_L | L spared2 Matrix |
Sp2F_L1 | L1 spared2 Matrix |
Sp2F_U | U spared2 Matrix |
Sp2F_U1 | U1 spared Matrix |
Sp2FloatSMatrix | Spared2 Matrix |
Sp3FloatSMatrix | Spared3 Symmetric Matrix |
StdTikhonovPhillipsSolver | Tikhonov Phillips Linear Solver |
StretchTo8bitOp | Stretch To 8bit Display Mapping |
StructuredElement | Abstract Strutured Element |
SugenoOp | SugenoOp |
Superbee | Accurate Limiter for differential operations |
ThomasLS | LU Tri Diagonal Linear Solver |
TiffInterface | Interface libtiff357 |
TruncatedCgSolver | Truncated Cg Linear Solver |
TVBeltramiFilter | TV Beltrami restoration filter |
TVBeltramiFlow | Kimmel TV Beltrami Flow |
TVColorBeltramiFilter | TV Color Beltrami restoration filter |
TVFilter | TV restoration filter |
TVInpainting | TV Inpainting |
TVInpainting_S2 | TV Inpainting |
UnitStabilizedFastIca | Sphered Single stabilized fast ICA Separator |
UShortImage | 16bit Image |
VarSuperbee | Flexible Limiter for differential operations |
VLineSE | Four Connected Structured Element |
WeickertFilter | Weickert 1998 restoration filter |
YagerOp | YagerOp |
ZadehOp | ZadehOp |
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